Top 5 Worst Questions

Questions You Shouldn’t Ask a Girl on a First Date

The fact is that some guys have no idea how to behave with a lady and what they shouldn’t ask a girl on a first date. Such men aren’t interesting to women. Therefore, one of the reasons why this article appeared is so that men at least have an idea of what can and cannot be said to a woman when they meet for the first time.

  1. How Old Are You?

All men know that they cannot ask on the first date and subsequent ones too the age of the girl. Unfortunately, a lot of guys make this mistake. You should remember that it’s simply uncomfortable for a woman to reveal her age until she feels comfortable with a man. Besides, experienced men can roughly determine the age of a woman.

  1. Where Do You Want to Go?

Questions related to what restaurant a woman wants to go to, what movie to watch, what park to take a walk in are just what you shouldn’t ask on a first date. Because the lady is waiting for offers from you and wants the man to take the initiative so that you make her some kind of surprise: order a table in the restaurant in advance and plan everything carefully. And from such questions, the girl can simply get confused and feel embarrassed.

  1. How Much Money Do You Make?

The question related to income is simply inappropriate when dating. It’s okay to ask a woman how she makes a living or where she works. But then asking how much money she earns would be inappropriate. After all, few people like to reveal their financial side of life. The girl may also think that you’re in financial difficulties and are dating her only for the sake of profit.

  1. Do You Have an Apartment or a Car?

Questions related to apartments or cars are also related to the financial part. Therefore, no one wants to reveal their financial side of life to a little-known person. Besides, issues related to finances raise unnecessary doubts in a person and don’t inspire confidence. Therefore, if you want to get a chance for subsequent meetings with this lady and the continuation of the relationship, then don’t ask such questions.

  1. How Do You Feel About Children?

There’s no need to rush things and ask questions related to children and building

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